Premier League CEO benefits from pro player injury treatment
Over the years, general developments in surgical protocols have been influenced by the needs of top-level athletes. The latest medical procedures and devices are geared towards returning valuable assets, like pro football players, to the field of play. It's big business.
An individual fully aware of this is Paul Faulkner. The former C.E.O. of Aston Villa and Nottingham Forest was directly involved in overseeing the financial operations of a Premier League football club. His role included bringing in managers, signing multi-million players, and counting the cost when they were sidelined through injury.
After leaving the football arena, he can be considered a 'businessman'. That said, he still liked to keep active for general fitness. However, like many others, Faulkner observed a notable change in his way of life as he advanced into his thirties.
"I began participating in less competitive sports and shifted my focus to activities that fit my hectic schedule," he recalls.
Managing to fit in some five-a-side football, gym workouts, and golf, his fitness routine became more difficult as the demands of family life grew. Having experienced the financial cost of having players sidelined, Faulkner himself experienced an injury that stopped him in his tracks and made him pay a personal price.
A severe injury to his thigh not only prevented him from participating in sports but also changed his everyday life.
"I underwent surgery and used crutches for approximately three to four months."
He recalls it as a very humbling experience. His rehabilitation journey opened his eyes to a reality filled with physical constraints. It underscored the difficulties encountered by individuals with lifelong mobility issues.
Paul Faulkner -
to football4football
I genuinely understood how challenging it can be for someone with mobility difficulties.
The injury forced him to face potential weaknesses. Activities that used to be effortless, such as walking or going up and down stairs, now demanded a great deal of carefulness. Becoming excessively aware of how he moved, especially when it was raining outside, double thinking and doubt set in.
Rather than giving in to hopelessness, this experience encouraged him to re-think his approach to fitness. Following his initial recovery, he began engaging in low-impact activities like swimming, allowing him to stay active while safeguarding his leg. The pool served as his refuge for recovering both physically and mentally. Having had an active past, he thought he could continue and focus on a new fitness without jeopardising his recovery.
Paul Faulkner -
to football4football
I would rate myself a 4 or 5 out of 10 regarding how effectively I approached my physiotherapy
The physical component of the recovery process was challenging.
Participating in regular physiotherapy sessions was crucial, but managing a hectic work schedule alongside rehabilitation proved challenging.
"I would rate myself a 4 or 5 out of 10 regarding how effectively I approached my physiotherapy."
He admitted that it was difficult to muster the energy after a long day.
Frequently, he felt too tired to attend sessions or engage in strenuous workouts, but his wish to rebuild strength and confidence in his leg won out.
Although the progress was gradual, and there were moments of frustration, he gained a newfound resilience. He appreciated the importance of taking things at a steady pace.
"I thought I would recover quickly and return to normal, but the truth is that recovery requires time," he clarifies.
Grasping this concept enabled him to adjust his expectations, striking a balance between challenging himself and being attuned to his body's needs. As time passed, he started to recognise that, although he may not have regained his condition before the injury, he could redefine what normal meant for him.
Faulkner, now in his mid-forties, came to almost accept minor pain or discomfort.
"It didn't prevent me from enjoying life," he said, embracing his altered circumstances with a sense of acceptance.
His physical rehabilitation journey now involved taking him to St. James Clinic. As Chair for Sport Birmingham, he became aware of the facility via sports community connections. Inspired by their success stories, he approached them with a receptive attitude.
Paul Faulkner -
to football4football
I figured I had nothing to risk
My leg is okay, but it's not quite perfect. He recounted, "I aimed to enhance my well-being even more."
In St. James' case, he discovered the unique application of I.P.P.T. (Intense Pulse Pressure Treatment)
The treatment at St. James Clinic had gained popularity. Former Premier League players successfully used it to manage post-career mobility issues. Anyone who's had conventional shockwave therapy will know it can take some getting used to. The initial sensation can be a 'shock'—excuse the pun. Once familiar with it, some immediately feel the benefits even after one session.
When patients witness a positive shift in condition, placebo is the first thing that comes to mind. Although this can lessen over time, the benefit of the I.P.P.T. was now confirmed for the pain suffering Faulkner. This step into the unknown suddenly caused Paul to re-think his physical capabilities. He now targeted a charitable fun run that was previously off the cards.
Throughout this experience, I have not only gained insight into the physical process of recovery, but I've also come to comprehend the mental journey accompanying it.
"It's not just about getting back into shape; it's about discovering happiness in whatever level of activity I can manage," he finishes.
Paul Faulkner admits that his experiences at Aston Villa have opened his mind. This is based on providing the backroom team of physiotherapists there with the best cutting-edge equipment available.
Our continuing research with St.James Clinic has transcended into the experiences of the everyday person. Yes, I.P.P.T. is becoming a chosen protocol for current and former footballers. Still, it also shows benefits for those operating in the boardroom too.